2003 Conference Papers and Presentations

  • Maurice N. Amutabi. “Islamic Extremism in Kenya and the Implications of the first and second Intifada.” Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Graduate Student Conference, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, on “Dismantling the Myths of Africa in the 21st Century,” organized by Africa-In-Academic Student Association, Champaign, March 1, 2003.
  • Maurice N. Amutabi. “Transient, Mobile ‘Nations’ and the Dilemma of Nationhood in the Horn of Africa: Interrogating Nomadic Pastoralists, Insecurity and the Uncertainty of Belonging.” Conference paper presented at the CODESRIA East African Sub-regional Conference, 30th Anniversary celebrations, between the 29 October to 1 November 2003, held at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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Prof. Maurice N. Amutabi (Ph.D),

P. O BOX 5342,
Eldoret, Kenya
Cell: +254-(0)700-744545


Full Professor and Director

Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CSTS)

The Technical University of Kenya (TUK), Nairobi
P.O. Box 52428 - 00200
Nairobi- Kenya.

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