Book Chapters
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- Category: Publications
- Last Updated on 20 December 2022
- Written by Musila
- Hits: 3324
- Maurice N. Amutabi (2018). African Interior Church (AIC) and the Making of Syncretic Christianity in Africa: Revisiting Causes and Effects of Independency in Christianity. Amutabi, M. N. (ed). (2018). Political Economy of Development in Africa. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Pp. 63 – 78.
- Maurice N. Amutabi (2017). “Nationalism in Africa: Concepts, Types and Phases” in Samuel Ojo Oloruntoba and Toyin Falola Eds). The Palgrave Handbook of African Politics, Governance and Development. New York: Springer International Publishing. Pages 187-202
- Maurice N. Amutabi (2017), “The trial of Ali Mazrui's trilogy, scholarship and the making of a public intellectual in Africa: Revisiting his legacy in the world of knowledge” In D. Ndirangu Wachanga (ed), Growing up in a shrinking world : how politics, culture and the nuclear age defined the biography of Ali A. Mazrui. Trenton, New Jersey: Africa World Press.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, (2017), Introduction. pp. 1 - 4, in Maurice N. Amutabi (Ed), (2017), Africa in Global Development Discourses. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya
- Maurice N. Amutabi, (2017), Africans as Guinea Pigs in Global Health Research Experiments and Implications for their Health: The Case of Yellow Fever Research and Eradication Campaigns in Colonial East Africa. pp. 21-41, in Maurice N. Amutabi (Ed), (2017), Africa in Global Development Discourses. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya
- Maurice N. Amutabi, (2017), Introduction. Pp. 1 - 5. Maurice N. Amutabi (Ed). (2017), Africa at Development Crossroads. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya
- Maurice N. Amutabi, (2017), Unmasking Silenced Spaces in Colonial Kenya and Implications for Oral History: Interrogating Nostalgia, Violence and Marginalization through Oral Texts. pp. 17-31. Maurice N. Amutabi (Ed). (2017), Africa at Development Crossroads. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya
- Maurice N. Amutabi, (2017), Introduction, Pp 1 - 5. In Maurice N. Amutabi (Ed). (2017), Beyond Agency, Voice and Space in Africa’s Development. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya
- Maurice N. Amutabi, (2017), Female Agency and the Configuration of Public ‘Space’ in Kenya: The Case of Female Entrepreneurs in Nairobi, Pp 24-32. Maurice N. Amutabi (Ed). (2017), Beyond Agency, Voice and Space in Africa’s Development. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya
- Maurice N. Amutabi, (2017), Introduction, Pp 1 - 5. In Maurice N. Amutabi (Ed). (2017), Africa Rising: Narrating Success of a Resurgent Continent. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya
- Maurice N. Amutabi, (2017), Race, Masculinity, Pride and Colonial Violence in Kenya: Revisiting Events Surrounding the Nandi Resistance of 1896-8, Pp 62 - 72. In Maurice N. Amutabi (Ed). (2017), Africa Rising: Narrating Success of a Resurgent Continent. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya
- Maurice N. Amutabi, (2017), Introduction, Pp 1 - 5. Maurice N. Amutabi and Linnet Hamasi (Eds). (2017), Africa: A Continent in Transition. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya
- Maurice N. Amutabi, (2017), Social Networks and Social Protection in Indigenous Development Discourses in Kenya: Focus on the Luhya People of Western Kenya, Pp 48 - 60. In Maurice N. Amutabi and Linnet Hamasi (Eds). (2017), Africa: A Continent in Transition. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya
- Maurice N. Amutabi and Linnet Hamasi (2016). Introduction. In Maurice N. Amutabi and Linnet Hamasi (eds), (2016), Africa and Competing Discourses on Development: Gender, Agency, Space and Representation. Nairobi: KESSA. Pp. 1-4.
- Maurice N. Amutabi and Linnet Hamasi. Introduction. In Maurice N. Amutabi and Linnet Hamasi (eds), (2016), Rethinking Development Paradigms in Africa:International Perspectives. Nairobi: African Interdisciplinary Studies Association (AISA), Kenya. Pp. 1-4.
- Maurice N. Amutabi and Linnet Hamasi (2016), Introduction, In Maurice N. Amutabi and Linnet Hamasi (eds), (2016), Africa and Competing Discourses on Development: Gender, Agency, Space and Representation. Nairobi: KESSA. Pp. 1 – 4.
- Maurice N. Amutabi (2016), Vulnerable Groups and Social Protection in Kenya: Focus on Pastoralists of Northern Kenya. In Maurice N. Amutabi and Linnet Hamasi (eds), (2016), Africa and Competing Discourses on Development: Gender, Agency, Space and Representation. Nairobi: KESSA. Pp. 178-191
- Maurice N. Amutabi (2016), Structural and Institutional Issues in Higher Education Funding Strategies in Kenya: Focus on Public and Private Universities from 1963 to the present. In Maurice N. Amutabi and Linnet Hamasi (eds), (2016), Africa and Competing Discourses on Development: Gender, Agency, Space and Representation. Nairobi: KESSA. Pp. 355-382
- Sellah Nasimiyu King’oro and Maurice N. Amutabi (2016), Implications of Networking to Community Cohesion: A Case of Women Chamas in Bungoma County. In Maurice N. Amutabi and Linnet Hamasi (eds), (2016), Rethinking Development Paradigms in Africa:International Perspectives. Nairobi: African Interdisciplinary Studies Association (AISA), Kenya. Pp. 5-14
- Maurice N. Amutabi (2016), Scarcities in the Rangelands and Implication for Food Security in Kenya: Assessment of Food Security and Water Needs among Pastoralist Groups in Northern Kenya. Pp. 67-85. In Maurice N. Amutabi and Linnet Hamasi (eds), (2016), Rethinking Development Paradigms in Africa:International Perspectives. Nairobi: African Interdisciplinary Studies Association (AISA), Kenya. Pp. 67-85.
- Maurice N. Amutabi (2015), Introduction. Maurice N. Amutabi (2015), (ed). Democracy, Civil Society and Development in Africa, Nairobi: Research, the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA), Nairobi and AISA. Pp. 1 - 4
- Fred Jonyo and Maurice N. Amutabi (2015), Electoral Processes and Democratic Practice in Africa: The Case of the 2013 General Elections in Kenya and its Implication for Democracy. In Maurice N. Amutabi (2015), (ed). Democracy, Civil Society and Development in Africa, Nairobi: Research, the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA), Nairobi and AISA. Pp. 5-16
- Maurice N. Amutabi (2015), Media, Democratic Space and Transition Politics in Kenya: Focus on Icons of Second Liberation. In Maurice N. Amutabi (2015), (ed). Democracy, Civil Society and Development in Africa, Nairobi: Research, the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA), Nairobi and AISA. Pp. 73-84
- Samuel Alfayo Nyanchoga and Maurice N. Amutabi (2014). “Introduction.” In Samuel Alfayo Nyanchoga and Maurice N. Amutabi (Eds) (2014). Contemporary Issues in Kenya History and the Challenges of Nationhood. Nairobi: Franciscan Kolbe Press. Pp. 1- 4.
- Maurice N. Amutabi (2014). “Colonial Legacy and Underdevelopment in Northern Kenya.” In Samuel Alfayo Nyanchoga and Maurice N. Amutabi (Eds) (2014). Contemporary Issues in Kenya History and the Challenges of Nationhood. Nairobi: Franciscan Kolbe Press. Pp. 87 – 102.
- Maurice N. Amutabi (2014). “Pastoralism, Social Protection and Vision 2030 in Kenya.” In Samuel Alfayo Nyanchoga and Maurice N. Amutabi (Eds) (2014). Contemporary Issues in Kenya History and the Challenges of Nationhood. Nairobi: Franciscan Kolbe Press. Pp. 113 – 132.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, (2013). “Introduction.” In Maurice N. Amutabi (Ed) (2013). Politics, Governance and Development in Africa. Nairobi: Research, Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA). Pp. 1-3. In Maurice N. Amutabi (Ed) (2013). Politics, Governance and Development in Africa. Nairobi: Research, Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA).
- Maurice Amutabi and Mumo Nzau (2013), “Electoral Governance after the 2013 Elections in Kenya: Current Challenges and Future Prospects.” Politics, Governance and Development in Africa. Nairobi: Research, Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA). Pp. 4-17. In Maurice N. Amutabi (Ed) (2013). Politics, Governance and Development in Africa. Nairobi: Research, Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA).
- Maurice N. Amutabi, (2013). “Ethnicity and Succession Politics in Kenya: Interrogating the role of political elite in creating tensions and animosity.” Pp. 351-372. In Maurice N. Amutabi (Ed) (2013). Politics, Governance and Development in Africa. Nairobi: Research, Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA).
- Maurice N. Amutabi, (2013). “Superiority Games and Political Grandstanding among Various Arms of Government in Kenya and Implications for Development: Special Reference to the Role of Parliament.” Pp. 373-403. In Maurice N. Amutabi (Ed) (2013). Politics, Governance and Development in Africa. Nairobi: Research, Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA).
- Maurice N. Amutabi, (2013). “Introduction.” In Maurice N. Amutabi (Ed) (2013). Studies in Culture, Gender and Education in Africa. Nairobi: Research, Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA). Pp. 1-9.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, (2013). “Introduction.” In Maurice N. Amutabi (Ed) (2013). Education and Counselling in Schools in Africa. Nairobi: Research, Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA). Pp. 1-6.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, (2013). “Introduction.” Maurice N. Amutabi (Ed) (2013). Environment, Power and Development in Africa. Nairobi: Research, Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA). Pp. 1-8.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, (2013). “Introduction.” Maurice N. Amutabi (Ed) (2013). Education and Development Perspectives in Africa. Nairobi: Research, Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA). Pp. 1-3.
- Maurice N. Amutabi (with Toyin Falola and Sylvester Gundona), “Preface,” in Toyin Falola, Maurice Amutabi and Sylvester Gundona (eds), Africa after Fifty Years: Retrospections and Reflections. Trenton New Jersey: Africa World Press, 2013. Pp. xi-xiii
- Maurice N. Amutabi (with Toyin Falola and Sylvester Gundona), “Introduction,” in Toyin Falola, Maurice Amutabi and Sylvester Gundona (eds), Africa after Fifty Years: Retrospections and Reflections. Trenton New Jersey: Africa World Press, 2013. Pp. xvi-xxv
- Maurice N. Amutabi and Shadrack Nasong’o (eds), “Introduction.” (2013). Regime Change and Succession Politics in Africa: Five Decades of Misrule. New York: Routledge, 2013. Pp. 1-12.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, “Buildings as symbols and metaphors of colonial hegemony: interrogating colonial buildings and architecture in Kenya's urban spaces.” In Fassil Demissie (ed). Colonial Architecture and Urbanism in Africa. London: Ashgate, 2012.
- Maurice N. Amutabi and Toyin Falola, “Preface,” in Toyin Falola and Maurice Amutabi (eds), Perspectives on African Environment, Science and Technology. Trenton New Jersey: Africa World Press, 2011.
- Maurice N. Amutabi and Toyin Falola, “Introduction,” Toyin Falola and Maurice Amutabi (eds), Perspectives on African Environment, Science and Technology. Trenton New Jersey: Africa World Press, 2011.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, “Traditional Architecture and Environmental Conservation among the Abaluyia of Western Kenya: Lessons for Contemporary Society” in Toyin Falola and Maurice Amutabi (eds), Perspectives on African Environment, Science and Technology. Trenton New Jersey: Africa World Press, 2011.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, “The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Environmental Conservation in Africa: The Case of the Abaluyia of Western Kenya.” in Toyin Falola and Emily Brownell (eds), Landscape, Environment and Technology in Colonial and Postcolonial Africa. New York: Routledge, 2012.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, “Matangazo ya biashara na jinsia: gender stereotypes and Advertisements in Kenya,” in Augustine Agwuele (ed). Development, modernism and modernity in Africa. New York: Routledge, 2012.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, “Identity, ‘Foreign-ness’, and the Dilemma of Immigrants at the Coast of Kenya: Interrogating the Myth of ‘Black Arabs’ among Kenyan Africans.” In Toyin Falola and Aribidesi Usman (eds), Movements, Borders, and Identities in Africa. New York: University of Rochester Press, 2009. Pp. 261-84.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, “Memory and Nostalgia in African American Identity: The Legacy of ‘Africanness’ in James Baldwin’s Fiction.” In Desire Baloubi (ed), The Africa We Know: Reading and Writing Across Disciplines in Africa and Liberal Studies Programs. Littleton, MA: Tapestry Press Ltd, 2009. Pp.15-30.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, “Manhood, Masculinity and Honor in Africa: Interrogating Patriarchy and Initiation of the Abaluyia of Western Kenya.” In Desire Baloubi (ed), The Africa We Know: Reading and Writing Across Disciplines in Africa and Liberal Studies Programs. Littleton, MA: Tapestry Press Ltd, 2009. Pp. 139-58.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. “Neither Bold nor Beautiful: Interrogating the Impact of Western Soap Operas on Africa.” In Toyin Falola and Augustine Agwuele (Eds.). Africans and the Politics of Popular Culture. New York: Rochester University Press, 2009. Pp. 76-92.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, “Introduction.” In Maurice N. Amutabi (ed). Studies in the Economic History of Kenya: Land, Water, Railways, Education, and Entrepreneurship. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2009. Pp. 1-26.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, “Colonial Legacy and Underdevelopment in Northern Kenya.” Maurice N. Amutabi (ed). Studies in the Economic History of Kenya: Land, Water, Railways, Education, and Entrepreneurship. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2009. Pp. 169-92.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, “Market Women and International Trade in Kenya.” In Maurice N. Amutabi (ed). Studies in the Economic History of Kenya: Land, Water, Railways, Education, and Entrepreneurship. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2009. Pp. 287-317.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, “Water and Development in Kenya: Problems and Potential.” In Maurice N. Amutabi (ed). Studies in the Economic History of Kenya: Land, Water, Railways, Education, and Entrepreneurship. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2009. Pp. 355-389.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, “The Livestock Sector in Kenya.” In Maurice N. Amutabi (ed). Studies in the Economic History of Kenya: Land, Water, Railways, Education, and Entrepreneurship. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2009. Pp. 461-99.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, “Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Kenya: Some Reflections.” In Maurice N. Amutabi (ed). Studies in the Economic History of Kenya: Land, Water, Railways, Education, and Entrepreneurship. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2009. Pp. 605-44.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, (with Moses Oketch) “Introduction.” Maurice N. Amutabi (co-editor with Moses Oketch). Studies in Lifelong Learning in Africa: From Ethnic Traditions to Technological Innovations. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2009. Pp. 1-12.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, “Reflections on the Role of Lifelong Learning in Africa.” Maurice N. Amutabi (co-editor with Moses Oketch). Studies in Lifelong Learning in Africa: From Ethnic Traditions to Technological Innovations. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2009. Pp. 13-36.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, “A History of Lifelong Learning in Africa.” Maurice N. Amutabi (co-editor with Moses Oketch). Studies in Lifelong Learning in Africa: From Ethnic Traditions to Technological Innovations. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2009. Pp. 55-92.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, “Conclusion.” Maurice N. Amutabi (co-editor with Moses Oketch). Studies in Lifelong Learning in Africa: From Ethnic Traditions to Technological Innovations. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2009. Pp. 355-66.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. 2008. “The Politics of Deception, Survival and Oppression in Zimbabwe: Retrospection.” In Shadrack Nasong’o (Ed). The African Search for Stable Forms of Statehood: Essays in Political Criticism (New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2008). Pp. 263-304.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, “Recuperating Traditional Pharmacology and Healing among the Abaluyia of Western Kenya.” In Toyin Falola and Matthew Heaton (eds), Health Knowledge and Belief Systems in Africa. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2008. Pp. 149-170.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. “Intellectuals and the Democratization Process in Kenya” in S. W Nasong’o and Godwin R. Murunga. (Eds). Kenya: The Struggle for Democracy. London: Zed Books, 2007. Pp. 197-226.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. “Identity, ‘Foreignness’ and the Dilemma of Immigrants at the Coast of Kenya: Interrogating the Myth of ‘Black Arabs’ among Kenyan Africans,” Chapter 12. In Movements, Borders, and Identities in Africa. Edited by Toyin Falola and Aribidesi Usman. Rochester: Rochester University Press, 2009. Pp. 205-46.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. “Power and Influence of African Court Clerks and Translators in Colonial Kenya: The Case of Khwisero Native (African) Court, 1946 –1956,” in Emily Osborn; Benjamin Lawrance and Richard Roberts (eds). Intermediaries, Interpreters and Clerks: African Employees and the Making of Colonial Africa: Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2006. Pp. 202-219.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. (With Prof. Mary Lutta-Mukhebi) “Women and Mining in Kenya: The Case of Mukibira Mines in Vihiga District: Twentieth Century Developments and Colonial Traditions.” In Jaclyn C. Viskovatoff and Laurie Mercier. (Eds). Mining Women: Gender in the Development of a Global Industry, 1700-2000. New York: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, 2006. Pp. 345-57.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. “Transient, Mobile 'Nations' and the Dilemma of Nationhood in the Horn of Africa: Interrogating Nomadic Pastoralists, Insecurity and the Uncertainty of Belonging” (Chapter 8). In East Africa: In Search of National and Regional Renewal, edited by Felicia Arudo Yieke. Dakar, Senegal: CODESRIA Publications, 2005. Pp.45-56.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. “Captured and Steeped in Colonial Dynamics and Legacy: The Case of Isiolo Town in Kenya,” in Steven Salm and Toyin Falona (Eds). African Urban Spaces in Historical Perspectives. New York: University of Rochester Press, 2005. Pp. 213-242.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. “Small Arms, Cattle Raiding and Borderlands: The Ilemi Triangle”(Chapter Seven), in Willem van Schendel and Itty Abraham Itty (eds) Illicit Flows and Criminal Things:States, Borders, and the Other Side of Globalization Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2005 (with Kenneth Inyani Simala). Pp. 201-225.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. "Globalization and the Mainstreaming of Kiswahili Research in the Twenty-First Century," in Kenneth I. Simala (ed). Utafiti wa Kiswahili (Kiswahili Research). Eldoret, Kenya: Moi University Press, 2004. Pp.43-48.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. "Cultural History of the Abaluyia: The Role of Traditional Music," in William R. Ochieng' (ed). 2002. Historical Studies and Social Change in Western Kenya. Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers. Pp. 71-83.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. "The role of Traditional Music in the writing of Cultural History: The Case of the Abaluyia of Western Kenya," in Toyin Falola and Christian Jennings (eds.). Africanizing Knowledge: African Studies Across the Disciplines. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2002. Pp.191-207.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. "The Politics of GNP and GDP and their Implications for Africa," in P.G. Okoth. (Ed). Africa in the Twenty-First Century: Problems and Prospects. Pp.56-71 Nairobi, Kenya: University of Nairobi Press, 2000. Pp. 269-285.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. “Globalization and Higher Education in Africa: Problems and Prospects,” in Van DerDyke (Ed) Globalization and Education in Africa, Conference Proceedings. Johannesburg: Horizon Publishers, 1997. Pp. 1-7.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. “Plight of Adult Education in Kenya,” in Shirley Walters (Ed) Globalization, Adult Education and Training: Impacts and Issues, London/New York: Zed Books, 1997. Pp. 196-200.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. “Introduction,” in Shirley Walters (Ed) Globalization, Adult Education and Training: Impacts and Issues, London/New York: Zed Books, 1997, Pp. 1-12.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. “Federalism as a Solution to Tribalism” in B.A. Ogot (ed) Ethnicity, Nationalism and Democracy in Africa, Kisumu: Maseno University Press, 1996. Pp.176 – 86.
- Maurice N. Amutabi (2018). Civilians, Intelligence Collection and Early Warning in Kenya and Implications on Security: Potential and Prospects. In Amutabi, M. N. (ed). (2018). Politics of Development in Africa. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED). Pp. 202 – 215.
- Maurice N. Amutabi (2018). Betting, Gambling, Youth and the Risk of Arrested Development in Kenya: Interrogating the Genesis and Diagnosis of this Calamity. Amutabi, M. N. (ed). (2018). Governance and Economic Development in Africa. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED). Pp. 25-37.
- Maurice N. Amutabi (2018). Dynamics of Doctoral Programs and Causes of Delays in Doctoral Studies in Kenyan Universities: Unraveling the Mysteries. Amutabi, M. N. (ed). (2018). Dynamics of Education in Africa. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED). Pp. 23-40
- Amutabi, M. N (2018). Introduction. Amutabi, M. N. (ed). (2018). Politics of Development in Africa. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED). Pp. 1-4.
- Amutabi, M. N (2018). Introduction. Amutabi, M. N. (ed). (2018). Political Economy of Development in Africa. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED). Pp. 1-3.
- Amutabi, M. N (2018). Introduction. Amutabi, M. N. (ed). (2018). Perspectives on Education Sector in Africa. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED). Pp. 1-3.
- Amutabi, M. N (2018). Introduction. Amutabi, M. N. (ed). (2018). Governance and Economic Development in Africa. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED). Pp. 1-4.
- Maurice N. Amutabi (2021). Kenya’s Engagement with the outside World and Implications on Development: Europe, North America and China. In Maurice N. Amutabi (ed). (2021). Africa and the Outside World. Nairobi: CEDRED Publications, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 1 – 12.
- Maurice N. Amutabi (2021). Introduction. In Maurice N. Amutabi (ed). (2021). Africa and the Outside World. Nairobi: CEDRED Publications, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 1 – 12.
- Maurice N. Amutabi and Abel Mayaka. (2021). Introduction. In Maurice N. Amutabi & Abel Mayaka (eds). (2021). New Zeal in Africa’s Development. Nairobi: CEDRED Publications, Nairobi, Kenya.
- Maurice N. Amutabi & Magdalene Ndeto Bore (2021). Introduction. In Maurice N. Amutabi & Magdalene Ndeto Bore (ed). (2021). Giant Steps in the Development of Africa. Nairobi: CEDRED Publications, Nairobi, Kenya.
- Maurice N. Amutabi (2021). Introduction. In Maurice N. Amutabi (ed). (2021). Global Dynamics in Africa. Nairobi: CEDRED Publications, Nairobi, Kenya.
- Maurice N. Amutabi (2021). Introduction. Maurice N. Amutabi (ed). (2021). How Africa Has Turned Around. Nairobi: CEDRED Publications, Nairobi, Kenya.
- Maurice N. Amutabi (2021). Introduction. In Maurice N. Amutabi (ed). (2021). New Realities in Africa. Nairobi: CEDRED Publications, Nairobi, Kenya.
- Maurice N. Amutabi (2021). Introduction. In Maurice N. Amutabi (ed). (2021). New Trends of Global Influences in Africa. Nairobi: CEDRED Publications, Nairobi, Kenya.
- Maurice N. Amutabi & Linnet Hamasi Henry (2021). Introduction. Maurice N. Amutabi and Linnet Hamasi (eds) (2021). Coping with COVID-19 Pandemic in Africa and Beyond. Nairobi: CEDRED Publications, Nairobi, Kenya.
- Maurice N. Amutabi and Linnet Hamasi (2020). “Introduction” In Maurice N. Amutabi and Linnet Hamasi. (eds). (2020). Diversity and Sustainable Development in Africa. Nairobi: CEDRED Publications, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 1- 24..
- Maurice N. Amutabi. (2020). “Introduction” In Maurice N. Amutabi (ed). (2020). Discourses on Sustainable Development in Africa. Nairobi: CEDRED Publications, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 1- 14.
- Maurice N. Amutabi and Winston J. Akala .(2020). “Introduction” In Maurice N. Amutabi and Winston J. Akala. (2020). Education and Sustainable Development in Africa. Nairobi: CEDRED Publications, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 1- 8.
- Maurice N. Amutabi and Elinami V. Swai .(2020). “Introduction” In Maurice N. Amutabi and Elinami V. Swai (eds). (2020). Gender and Sustainable Development in Africa. Nairobi: CEDRED Publications, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 1- 9.
- Maurice N. Amutabi and Linnet Hamasi .(2020). “Introduction” In Maurice N. Amutabi and Linnet Hamasi (eds). (2020). Politics and Sustainable Development in Africa. Nairobi: CEDRED Publications, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 1- 15.
- Maurice N. Amutabi and Magdalene Ndeto. .(2020). “Introduction” In Maurice N. Amutabi and Magdalene Ndeto. (eds). (2020). Deconstructing Poverty for Sustainable Development in Africa. Nairobi: CEDRED Publications, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 1- 18.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. (2020). “Introduction” In Maurice N. Amutabi. (ed). (2020). Infrastructure and Sustainable Development in Africa. Nairobi: CEDRED Publications, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 1- 16.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. (2020). “Introduction” In Maurice N. Amutabi. (ed). (2020). Marginalization and Sustainable Development in Africa Nairobi: CEDRED Publications, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 1- 11.
- Maurice N. Amutabi and Linnet Hamasi. .(2020). “Introduction” In Maurice N. Amutabi and Linnet Hamasi. (eds). (2020). Rural and Urban Livelihoods for Sustainable Development in Africa. Nairobi: CEDRED Publications, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 1- 17.
- Maurice Nyamanga Amutabi and Linnet Hamasi (2019). ‘Introduction’ in Maurice N. Amutabi and Linnet Hamasi Henry (eds). (2019). Global Trends in Africa’s Development. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 1- 8.
- Maurice Nyamanga Amutabi, Chapter 6, Okhulekhanila Indigenous Conflict Management Strategy of the Luhya People and Implications for Peace in Kenya: Confidence in African Conflict Transformation Approaches, in Maurice N. Amutabi and Linnet Hamasi Henry (eds). (2019). Global Trends in Africa’s Development. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 36 – 45.
- Maurice N. Amutabi and Magdalene Ndeto, “Introduction,”, in Maurice N. Amutabi and Magdalene Ndeto (eds). (2019). New Order in Africa. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 1- 9.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, Chapter 5, Discourse on Matriarchal Empathy and Implications for Family Cohesion and Stability in Kenya: Focus on Beatrice Musimbi Nyamanga, in Maurice N. Amutabi and Magdalene Ndeto (eds). (2019). New Order in Africa. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya. Pp.78-85.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, “Introduction,” in Maurice N. Amutabi (ed), (2019). Education in Contemporary Africa. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 1- 11.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, “Introduction,” in Maurice N. Amutabi (ed). (2019). Diaries of Development. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 1- 10
- Maurice Nyamanga Amutabi, Chapter 3, The Elderly and Problems of Aging and Implications for Social Protection in Kenya: Focus on Cases from Western Kenya,” in Maurice N. Amutabi (ed). (2019). Diaries of Development. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 123-134.
- Maurice N. Amutabi and Linnet Hamasi, “Introduction,” in Maurice N. Amutabi and Linnet Hamasi (eds). (2019). Development Trends in Modern Africa. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, “Introduction,” in Maurice N. Amutabi (ed), (2019). Africa’s New Deal. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 1- 7.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, “Introduction,” in Maurice N. Amutabi (ed), (2019). Africa Parading Through Development. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 1- 8.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, “Introduction,” in Maurice N. Amutabi (ed), (2019). African Renaissance Revisited. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 1- 13.
- Maurice N. Amutabi, “Introduction,” in Maurice N. Amutabi (ed), (2019). A New Kind of Development in Africa. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya. Pp. 1- 14.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. (2018). The Place of Informal Early Warning Systems in Countering and Preventing Terrorism in Kenya. In Mustafa Yusuf Ali, Mumo Nzau and Hassan Khannenje (eds). The Changing Dynamics of Terrorism and Violent Extremism: An Analysis. Nairobi: HORN International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2018. Pp. 254 – 273.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. (2018). Nationalism in Africa: Concepts, Types and Phases. In Samuel Ojo Oloruntoba and Toyin Falola (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of African Politics, Governance and Development. New York: Springer. Pages 187-202
- Amutabi, M. N (2018). Introduction. In Amutabi, M. N. (ed). (2018). Development from Below and Above in Africa. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED). Pp. 1-4.
- Amutabi, M. N (2018). Introduction. Amutabi, M. N. (ed). (2018). Dynamics of Education in Africa. Nairobi: Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED). Pp. 1-3.