2005 Conference Papers and Presentations
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- Category: Conference Papers and Presentations
- Last Updated on 22 December 2012
- Written by Musila
- Hits: 2601
- Maurice N. Amutabi. “Mercenaries of Globalization or Missionaries of Development: The Paradox of NGOs in Kenya’s Development History with Reference to Pastoralist Areas.” Conference paper presented at the 48th Conference of Association of African Studies (ASA), on the theme: “Health, Knowledge, and the Body/Politic in Africa and the African Diaspora,” held in Washington DC, between 17 and 20 November 2005.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. “Interrogating the Role of Universities in Rural Community Development in Africa: The Case of Kenya.” Paper presented at the Southern African Comparative and History of Education Society (SACHES) Conference, held at the University of Dar-Es-Salaam, Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania, 16-19 September 2005.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. “Alternative Strategies of Governance and Management of Development in Africa: The Case of NGOs in Kenya.” Paper presented at the ASO Forum 2005, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. April 16, 2005.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. “Recuperating Traditional Pharmacology and Healing Among the Abaluyia of Western Kenya: From the Past to the Present.” Paper presented at the conference on ‘Health and Healing in Africa.’ Held at the University of Texas at Austin, USA. March 24-27, 2005.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. “Water and the Redefinition of Power, Gender and Development in Kenya: A Critical Examination of the Work of NGOs in Rural Kenya.” Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Graduate Symposium on Women's and Gender History, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. March 10-12, 2005.
- Maurice N. Amutabi. “Interrogating the Role of Universities in Community Development in Africa: The Case of Kenya.” Moi University International Annual Conference. Eldoret, Kenya, February 24-26, 2005.