2017 Conference Papers and Presentations

  • Maurice N. Amutabi (Lukenya University, Kenya), Potential and Prospects of Creating ODL Infrastructure through Linkages, Collaborations and Partnerships in Eastern Africa: Some Informed Reflections.Paper presented at the 6th International Conference of Distance Education Association of Tanzania (DEATA) will be held on 29-31th March, 2017, at the University of Dodoma, Tanzania.
  • Maurice N. Amutabi, Kenya), East Africa and Scandinavian Connections. Linkoping University. Paper presented at a workshop at Linkoping University, Sweden, April 22, 2017.
  • Maurice N. Amutabi (Lukenya University, Kenya), Museveni‘s Political and Economic Schemes and Machinations in East Africa: Interrogating Interests and Strategies of a Hegemonic Regime. Paper presented at KESSA- Multimedia University of Kenya joint international interdisciplinary conference, June 27 -30, 2017 at Multimedia University of Kenya Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Maurice N Amutabi (Lukenya University, Kenya), African Intellectuals in Global Discourses and the Enterprise of Making Knowledge: Some Reminisces of an African Public Intellectual. Paper presented at KESSA- Multimedia University of Kenya joint international interdisciplinary conference, June 27 -30, 2017 at Multimedia University of Kenya Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Maurice N Amutabi, (Lukenya University, Kenya), Unmasking Silenced Spaces in Colonial Kenya and Implications for Oral History: Interrogating Nostalgia, Violence and Marginalization through Oral Texts. Paper presented at KESSA- Multimedia University of Kenya joint international interdisciplinary conference, June 27 -30, 2017 at Multimedia University of Kenya Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Maurice N Amutabi (Lukenya University, Kenya), Funeral Eulogies as Art and Therapy among the Abaluhya of Western Kenya: Motivational Speakers with a different blend. Paper presented at KESSA- Multimedia University of Kenya joint international interdisciplinary conference, June 27 -30, 2017 at Multimedia University of Kenya Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Maurice N. Amutabi (Lukenya University, Kenya). Hidden and coded messages in an indigenous ‘rain-making shrine’ (esichimbilo) of the Abasiekwe of Bunyore in Western Kenya: Lessons from ethno-weather. Paper presented at KESSA- Multimedia University of Kenya joint international interdisciplinary conference, June 27 -30, 2017 at Multimedia University of Kenya Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
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Prof. Maurice N. Amutabi (Ph.D),

P. O BOX 5342,
Eldoret, Kenya
Cell: +254-(0)700-744545


Full Professor and Director

Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CSTS)

The Technical University of Kenya (TUK), Nairobi
P.O. Box 52428 - 00200
Nairobi- Kenya.

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