Doctoral (PhD) Theses supervised

Selected Doctoral (PhD) Theses supervised to completion

  • Eliza Johannes, The Dynamics of Female Access to Formal Schooling Among Pastoralist Communities in Kenya: A Case of Turkana District in Northern Kenya. Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Policy Studies in the Graduate College of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010, Urbana, Illinois, USA.
  • Francis Owino, The Role of Sports in National Cohesion and Integration in Kenya. Department of Peace and Conflict Studies, Masinde Muliro University Of Science And Technology. 2011.
  • Sr. Justina Syonzi Ndaita “Shaping Education in Africa to the New World Order Perspective: An Examination of the influence of Principals’ Instructional Quality Assurance Role on Students’ Academic Performance Kenya.” Faculty of Education, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA), 2013.
  • Samson Ikinya Kariuki, Technician Engineering Training and Employability in Kenya: Focus on Thika and Meru Technical Training Institutes. Faculty of Education, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA), 2013.
  • Susan Lyria Karuti, Gender Construction and Schooling in Kenya: Femininity, Masculinity and Students’ Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Meru County, Kenya. Faculty of Education, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA), 2013.
  • Florence Muia, Peace Building and the Catholic Justice and Peace Commission in Nakuru County, Kenya, Department of Peace and Conflict Studies, Centre for Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST), Kenya, 2015
  • Linnet Hamasi, Women's Knowledge Systems in Peace building among pastoral communities of Kenya: Focus on Elgeyo Marakwet County, Department of Peace and Conflict Studies , Centre for Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST), Kenya, 2015
  • Christopher Khisa, The influence of livestock rustling on socio-economic development in Marsabit and Samburu counties, Kenya, Department of Peace and Conflict Studies , Centre for Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST), Kenya, 2016
  • Justus Katoo Musya, Post election violence in Kennya and implications for informal settlements, Department of Peace and Conflict Studies , Centre for Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST), Kenya, 2016
  • Juma Thomas Otieno, Electoral Management Dynamics and East Africa Regional Security Architecture: Perspectives of Kenya's 2007 Election, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kisii University, 2018.
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Prof. Maurice N. Amutabi (Ph.D),

P. O BOX 5342,
Eldoret, Kenya
Cell: +254-(0)700-744545


Full Professor and Director

Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CSTS)

The Technical University of Kenya (TUK), Nairobi
P.O. Box 52428 - 00200
Nairobi- Kenya.

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